纪录片 《探寻人工智能》杨澜解说词文本丨第1集:机器的逆袭
来源: | 作者:台词君 | 发布时间: 2024-09-26 | 118 次浏览 | 分享到:





创造机器智能的想法从何而来?我的第一站来到了位于英国剑桥大学和牛津大学之间的一处不起眼的乡村庄园布莱切利。第二次世界大战期间,这里是英国的情报中心。77年前,命运把一群英国最聪明的年轻人召集到了这里,这其中就包括27岁的数学天才阿兰图灵。正在剑桥大学国王学院做研究员的他来到这里,成为了一名密码破译专家。I am speaking to the cabinet weeks and down.


图灵的任务是打败德军的超级密码机恩尼格玛。Welcome to a nick ma. It's beautiful, the crooked hands of death itself.


The german switch settings every day promptly at midnight. We usually intercept our first message around six AM, which gives you exactly eighteen hours every day to crack the code before the changes. And you will start to get I.


在历史学家大卫肯尼恩的带领下,我也看到了这台谜一样的机器。Why was called the break of machine? Well, the the point about in the ignore machine is radio mesage are sending morse code.


Those letters light up with an encoded letter each time you press a key. So if you press a, maybe g would light up the the really important thing about the machine is if you press the same key modern ones, you don't get the same letter encysted changes. And that's what makes IT a secure system.


So basically, how many possibilities? One hundred and fifty nine million million ways of setting up that machine. One hundred, fifty nine million, million possibility.


If you didn't know the exact setting that would be used for that message, you couldn't just start going through the options because IT would take you longer than the universe is existed to get through them all. So in the way, human beings could never catch up with the change of of enigma. Well, in theory now.


这是一场与时间的赛跑,与机器的较量。图灵意识到,仅靠人力无法完成这个任务,出路只有一条,那就是制造另一台更强大的机器人。Nigga is extremely well designed machine. Our problem is that we are using men to try to piece is what if only a machine can defeat another machine?

